ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
The Moon in Gemini shifts your energy up a notch. You are frisky and Gemini is full of wonder. It's a combination made in heaven, if not in play school. Add your adrenaline to the nervous energy of the moment and fly.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 - May 20)
The lift off into the lightness of the Gemini Moon leaves you feeling a little flat footed. Dexterity is the required ingredient and you corner quite clumsily. Your best bet is not to pretend to be what you are not. Adapt as best you can.
GEMINI: (May 21 - June 21)
The Moon has moved into Gemini, setting off all your fireworks at once. You have a thousand threads going at the same time; some effortless, some difficult. Anyone who tries to keep up will be left bewildered. Multi task with glee.
CANCER: (June 22 - July 22)
You are an emotional soul in an intellectual environment. Though you can live in both water and on the beach, you aren't finding this change of gears all that easy to make. Know well that to be clever is not always to be that smart.
LEO: (July 23 - Aug 22)
The Gemini Moon sets your heart to dancing. All those old problems about being stuck in this that or the other, take a running jump. Lightness and self acceptance replaces the need to have a big fat meaningful existential problem.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Life is loosening you up. It isn't making you fickle or skin deep. It is reminding you how important it is to throw the whole deck of cards up in the air every now and again to see where they land or to regain sight of what is important.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 - Oct 23)
Your heart continues to determine the direction and pace. You are insistent on taking a stand. You are hell bent on getting yourself on track to do the work that you really want to do. A soft breeze is blowing through your heart.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 21)
When you are in the mood, take advantage of the fact. If all your resistance has gone out the door, you don't need to analyse the reasons why you need to get on with delighting in the freedom you have. Focus on enjoyment.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
It might be good and it might be bad. You won't know until you have had the experience. The Gemini Moon is ramping up your curiosity to the point where you will soon have no choice but to suck it and see. Be an explorer.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
To be so obsessively focussed on a goal that all the fun goes out of it, is not what you want. To be so endlessly restless that nothing at all gets done is no more satisfying. To find the happy medium, tune into your feelings.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The delight that you feel is because the Moon has gone dancing into fellow air sign, Gemini. Together you can flap your wings, exercise your curiosity and sail on through an open door. Say good bye to obstacles and resistance.
PISCES: (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
You are holding others back from extremes that would do them no good. It is only by being steady in your own heart that you can be the anchor that is needed. So, get steady. Know your heart so well that you can't go against it.
As the Moon goes into Gemini, a weight is removed from our collective shoulders. Ease presents itself where difficulty looked like it was going to take up residence forever. Keep curiosity kindled and woe goes out the window.
The Gemini Moon is making even silent Pisceans, chatty and talkative. There is so much to say and so many ways to say it. Paint a picture, sing a song do whatever it takes to get your message across. Joy grows as it is expressed.