ARIES: (March 21 to April 20)
You choose substance over style. Soulful people and weighty topics hold your interest, while cursory dealings leave you cold. Let results speak for themselves during this period of personal and professional growth.
TAURUS: (April 21 to May 21)
Lend a sympathetic ear but retain emotional distance. Loose lips can break trust and gossip or implied criticism may prove hurtful. Silence is golden and the best advice may be no advice at all.
GEMINI: (May 22 to June 21)
Use discretion when delicate issues arise. You can safely broach practical matters but must give careful consideration to the boundaries of good taste. Heed lessons of the past when dealing with others today.
CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
A relationship subtly changes and interest is rekindled. Moon in opposition shifts the goalposts and affairs of the heart or your social life grow more satisfying. You learn to invest emotion and energy wisely.
LEO: (July 24 to August 23)
Restraints are gradually being removed and as a result your borders expand. The unknown may seem scary but you recognise that opportunities are fleeting and must be seized upon. Time is of the essence.
VIRGO: (August 24 to September 23)
You give a situation or person one last chance. There is a sense something can be salvaged and in the spirit of fairness you take a softer line. Strength comes from within at this time.
LIBRA: (September 24 to October 23)
Your moods are a barometer of personal achievement. Question yourself and mistakes occur but remain upbeat and events start slotting into place. You can create your own reality through positive thinking and self-belief.
SCORPIO: (October 24 to November 22)
You see situations differently and are less likely to make snap judgements. Tolerant energy renders you progressive, wise and charitable. Prophetic words may be spoken during this brief but highly compatible cycle.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 to December 22)
Despite the variety of choices on offer, you may be wracked with indecision. Life is not black and white but full of subtle nuances. Perhaps you can take a rain check in order to gather your thoughts.
CAPRICORN: (December 23 to January 20)
You are adept at walking in another's shoes before casting judgement. Gentle Moon in your sign underscores empathy you make allowances for the shortcomings of others. Trust your instincts and look for creative solutions.
AQUARIUS: (January 21 to February 19)
Your stellar run in one particular area comes to an end. Finding a new focus to fill the void may require some left-field thinking, so keep an open mind and engage in discussions with progressive people.
PISCES: (February 20 to March 20)
Argue your case logically and strike while the iron is hot. People are more compliant when suggestions make sound sense and the timing is right. Complementary energy suits your purposes and puts you at the forefront.
A level playing field ensures everyone participates fairly. The energy is morally just but not for the faint-hearted and those who pay respect to their opponents will most likely to win the prize.
You lose and gain in equal amounts. Life's ups and downs add new dimensions to your personality, making you wiser or more affluent by this time next year. Learn your lessons diligently.