ARIES: (March 21 to April 20)
Good deeds do not go unnoticed. In fact, you have the best of both worlds today and can volunteer your services yet reap unexpected reward later. Use your selling skills to self-promote or campaign for change.
TAURUS: (April 21 to May 21)
All eyes are on you and it is difficult to perform under pressure. Take a deep breath and draw on inner strength to succeed in under the glare of a spotlight. You might surprise others with your creativity.
GEMINI: (May 22 to June 21)
Touchy subjects require delicate handling. Hence you must be prudent with words and tweak your actions to soften the blow. Look at issues from every angle rather than acting on a rush of blood to the head.
CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
Getting your own house in order is suddenly top priority. Once that mission is accomplished, you can focus on motivating others to get their lives into shipshape. Lead by example first and then offer handy hints later.
LEO: (July 24 to August 23)
The Moon falls in your social sector where it makes you more outgoing. There is less emphasis on impressing others and more importance placed on simply having fun. Plans come together without too much coordination.
VIRGO: (August 24 to September 23)
Your instincts or timing sometimes let you down. What you need is a gentler touch with people and a slower tempo to absorb events going on around you. Remember that you cannot rationalise every single incident.
LIBRA: (September 24 to October 23)
A more leisurely approach allows you to savour experiences. Live in the moment and give every event full focus rather than simply scratching the surface. Nothing is perfect, but each situation and relationship brings its own reward.
SCORPIO: (October 24 to November 22)
Money and investment dominate but the real emphasis on future security. This is a good time to work out how to minimise costs and slowly build your wealth. The bubble of fun has burst and life gets serious.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 to December 22)
Lunar energy continues to be the catalyst for emotional change. The missing link in a relationship might be found, while renewed self-confidence allows you to lower defences. A gentler and more co-operative approach works well.
CAPRICORN: (December 23 to January 20)
Despite a few frantic moments, you never lose the sequence of events. Your eye for detail and methodical approach ensure obligations are met without compromising on excellence. A more relaxed period is imminent.
AQUARIUS: (January 21 to February 19)
Something that up until now has only been implied could soon become reality. Lunar energy works to consolidate ideas and smooth over cracks in relationships, delivering results you only recently dreamed about. Soak up the good vibes.
PISCES: (February 20 to March 20)
Someone with a forked tongue frustrates or undermines you. To re-establish authority, learn how to spar verbally with an opponent but resist resorting to insults. You can afford to make decisions based on self-interest today.
Trying to fit everything neatly into a box is foolish. Likewise, classifying others by type could be a massive error of judgement today. There is no right or wrong, just wide-ranging diversity and a need for greater tolerance.
Positive feedback confirms a past decision. And while you remain humble in victory, you are emboldened to try something new. Relationships take on a different rhythm and there are fewer conflicts to contend with in 2008.