ARIES: (Mar 21 Apr 20)
Being at your feisty best, dare to confront those who, in the name of being romantic, are simply holding up progress. Though you tread on a toe or two, you will get movement happening where there was none.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 May 20)
It isn't much fun being prodded to move when you'd rather not. After initial reluctance, you see the benefits and co-operate. Once that shift happens, progress unfolds seamlessly. Take old habits lightly.
GEMINI: (May 21 June 21)
It is a surprise to find yourself apparently back where you started from. In your eagerness, certain practical details got left out of your plan. Once they are back in place, nothing will get in your way.
CANCER: (June 22 July 22)
People seem to be coming at you with all sorts of assertions and demands. The Moon is in the hottest part of Sagittarius. This is working like a truth serum and inspiring action. Be willing to listen.
LEO: (July 23 Aug 22)
The Moon is helping to inspire passion and action. This helps you to unravel old patterns in relationship that have been hindering you. Even though scary, it strengthens you to move closer to truth.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 Sept 22)
You are learning to love situations that only recently caused you discomfort. This is a sure signal that you are growing. Reflect honestly on the changes you have made. Luxuriate in a moment of pride.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 Oct 23)
Events that seem to randomly side-swipe you actually galvanise you into action. To get your roots down, snap out of fantasy and make practical decisions. Be adventurous and avoid stagnation.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 Nov 21)
It is not easy to follow another's lead. Unless you feel totally attuned to what is being asked, the tendency is to stand stronger in your own boots. Find a way through your emotions, to an appropriate response.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 Dec 21)
The Moon in Sagittarius is lighting you up with the kind of vitality that is bound to create trouble. Assert your honesty. Those who have difficulties with your arrow of truth will soon come around.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 Jan 19)
Life delivers a very positive kick. It wakes you up and inspires you to move. The Moon in Sagittarius is a lightning rod of optimism. It inspires the lovely feeling that you can do what you really want to do.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 Feb 18)
Love is playing all sorts of tricks. Uranus and Venus are travelling together, putting love and unexpected change in the same boat. Stay centred if you don't want to get thrown off course by the whirlwind.
PISCES: (Feb 19 Mar 20)
Now is a time for action. Make good on the dreams of change that you are having. There is no avoiding the possibility of slipping up. If you want what you have planted to shine, back it every inch of the way.
The Moon is inspiring action. There are bound to be thrills and spills along the way. The challenge to step into motion naturally brings certain fears and trepidations to the surface. Act anyway.
This is a day for doing, so get in tune by booking in for an adventure that has been lying in your in-box waiting for you to get to it. A sense of joyous expansion comes as you get your adrenaline pumping.