ARIES: (March 21 to April 20)
You shake off needy people in an effort to regain independence. The choice of company you keep is paramount to a peaceful existence today. A burning desire to do your thing overrides a sense of responsibility.
TAURUS: (April 21 to May 21)
Wisdom and experience have taught you how to deal with unexpected problems. You act as a mentor to those who are younger or less skilled and pass on advice that can only be considered priceless.
GEMINI: (May 22 to June 21)
If you fight fairly results fall your way. Keep emotion out of the contest and make decisions based on what is best for all concerned. Others are grateful for your ethical and open-minded approach.
CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
Climbing out of a rut of your own making takes time. Fortunately the current pace suits your cause and an opportunity exists to make significant headway. Knock on doors and call in past favours.
LEO: (July 24 to August 23)
You face your demons and knock them on the head. A cycle of redemption looms large but you must lead from the front to feel the full benefits. Fears are largely unfounded at this time.
VIRGO: (August 24 to September 23)
A random act of kindness has positive repercussions. Whether you are on the giving or receiving end, nothing is sought in return and good deeds have a domino effect. Caring people accumulate the most brownie points.
LIBRA: (September 24 to October 23)
If complacency sets in add variety to your routine. What you need now is a new challenge as well as people who are your intellectual equals. Use guile in positive ways and invest in personal advancement.
SCORPIO: (October 24 to November 22)
You finally feel up to making an important decision. Wisdom tells you the timing is right and past experience or new information make you more certain about outcomes. The mood is also forgiving and peaceful.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 to December 22)
Your feet may not touch the ground but you relish today's pace. There is a renewed sense of belonging and inclusion but also a feeling personal empowerment. Use your vivid imagination to think on the run.
CAPRICORN: (December 23 to January 20)
Your devotion and loyalty cannot be questioned. A strong set of personal guidelines prevents you from betraying a trust or leaving unfinished business. Not every situation has an iron clad agreement but your word is law.
AQUARIUS: (January 21 to February 19)
You are pliable but not passive. Falling into line with the majority is palatable, provided you have a strong voice in the decision-making process. Your words and actions hit the right note with others.
PISCES: (February 20 to March 20)
A no-fuss routine helps ease tensions and brings back life balance. You may decide that downsizing your workload or scaling back social activity is in order but only until energy levels are restored.
Be supportive but firm with people. It is possible to play cheerleader without making decisions on behalf of others. Time is of the essence today and must be used prudently or for personal gain.
You are easily distracted and oddly restless. Some clever re-jigging of your routine, relationships and leisure time may be all that is needed to regain focus and stability. Take regular breaks.