ARIES: (Mar 21 Apr 20)
In holding fiercely to your point of view, it is entirely predictable that others will respond in kind. It is confusing when your say is logical and the one you are battling with is emotional. Find middle ground.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 May 20)
What you take for egotism might be more innocuous than that. Somebody is trying desperately to hang on to pride and self-belief. Be aware not to barge through their defences like a rhinoceros. Be gentle.
GEMINI: (May 21 June 21)
There is no need to go into meltdown just because you are feeling muddled. Feeling muddled can be the result of staying open to other points of view. Better to risk that than risk being dogmatic. Keep your humour.
CANCER: (June 22 July 22)
Hold your head high. The Moon is encouraging self-respect. That self-respect makes respecting others easy. Ride the glow that is rolling through your heart like a big wave. This is a taste of the new.
LEO: (July 23 Aug 22)
Relationship is proving to be a disarming mirror. It is showing you more of yourself than you bargained for. Understand that it is your reflection that you are seeing. Respect yourself for being honest.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 Sept 22)
This is a pivotal day. The Moon in Sagittarius is helping you to see clearly where you are stuck - and where you want to go. Though uncomfortable, this will prove to be the watershed that gets you moving.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 Oct 23)
There is a gap between big ideas and the practical measures being put in place to make them real. It might feel like an opportunity is slipping away. It isn't. It is finding its right time. Be patient. Let the river flow.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 Nov 21)
Being in a position to be able to do the things that you know need to be done is a daunting proposition. Wear the mantle of responsibility lightly. It is time to take a deep breath before the action begins.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 Dec 21)
Hold the reins tightly. One horse wants to stay stock still and one wants to gallop. You are the determining factor. Know your heart well and act from there. If you are clear, then others will follow.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 Jan 19)
Mercury is visiting your sign. As the planet of perception and communication, it is giving you the chance to catch up on a bit of research. It is good to know our subject before we open our mouths.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 Feb 18)
Communication glitches are catching everybody by surprise. You are no exception. Not all the right pieces are yet in place to march off into action. To keep harmony, catch the situation before it gets out of hand.
PISCES: (Feb 19 Mar 20)
Intuitive creature that you are, you know well that now is not the time for gloating over successes that haven't actually eventuated yet. Though it might not be popular, it is important for you to point this out.
Expect to be called on to have a full knowledge of matters at hand. If you know yourself, then it will be easy to be decisive. If you don't, then you soon will. Necessity is a wonderful motivator. Be clear.
If you can forget the idea that everything is going to work out as planned, then there's a good chance that everything will work out as planned. Take extra care to keep lines of communication open.