ARIES: (March 21 to April 20)
Draw the line between curiosity and nosiness. It might only take one
tactless question to cross the boundary and with thin-skinned people
that could be enough to mar the relationship. Think before you speak
or act.
TAURUS: (April 21 to May 21)
A me-first attitude might prevail but the chances of having your own
needs met are exceptionally high. Just be cognisant of other
peoples' desires and at least try to give as much as you receive.
GEMINI: (May 22 to June 21)
You re-discover what it is you originally found appealing about
someone. As a result, new levels of awareness enrich the
relationship. You can expect an impasse to be broken soon or a
suitable compromise to be reached.
CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
You can afford to take carefully considered risks but must avoid
impulsive moves. Trust your feelings and if something does not ring
true, take that as a sign to shun involvement. A financial deal
might be sealed.
LEO: (July 24 to August 23)
Due to a dispute between heart and head, you grapple with a
situation. Keep in mind that if you have moral or ethical doubts, it
might be best to opt out altogether. Put principle above profit
VIRGO: (August 24 to September 23)
Talking yourself up might not come naturally but self-promotion
equates to success. If you have the skills and can sell an idea,
then all that remains is to get the message out there. Make yourself
more visible.
LIBRA: (September 24 to October 23)
By confronting a problem head-on you earn respect and save yourself
heartache. Be sure to tailor words to suit the situation but stick
proudly to principle. Situations are tricky today and relationships
could be tenuously balanced.
SCORPIO: (October 24 to November 22)
Let your defences down and forget about justifying your actions to
others. The planets are in a forgiving mood and even the most
hostile people are likely to see things your way. Celebrate your
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 to December 22)
You handle high expectations with ease but perhaps fail to set the
same standards for others. Take heed that the current cosmic climate
encourages equality in relationships and warns against sacrificing
your own needs unnecessarily.
CAPRICORN: (December 23 to January 20)
To make a seamless transition from one situation to another,
calculate each phase carefully. Attention to detail could be the
difference between smooth negotiations and needless problems. Your
chances look particularly good.
AQUARIUS: (January 21 to February 19)
A tendency towards impulsive action could lead to a trail of
disasters. If you wish to avoid disappointing people and ruining
your reputation, keep a cool head at all times today. Good sense
cannot be underestimated.
PISCES: (February 20 to March 20)
Although you will relate easily to people who share similar ideals,
those in opposition might test your patience. Act as if you have
nothing to prove and at least listen to what others have to day.
Even thinly veiled criticism cuts deep. There is heightened
sensitivity today and extra care should be taken when critiquing
other peoples' work. Moon in subjective Cancer makes it difficult to
look beyond how situations might affect us on a personal level.
Not every situation can be neatly tied up but leaving loose ends
unsettles you. Take the pressure off yourself and remember that even
if you mess up occasionally, second chances are forecast in the year
ahead. Everything is fixable.