There are hopes that New Zealand will follow Ireland's lead in changing the law around abortion soon.
The Government has asked the Law Commission for options around treating abortion in New Zealand as a health issue and taking it out of the Crimes Act.
"Treating it as a health matter is a really crucial distinction because health matters are governed not by moralistic arguments but by medical best practice based on peer-reviewed research. It's evidence-based and focused on what's best for the patient. That's really important and that's the kind of thing we want to see," said Terry Bellamak, president of Alranz, Abortion Rights Aotearoa.
At the weekend, Ireland voting overwhelmingly in a referendum in favour of overturning the Republic of Ireland's constitutional ban on abortion.
Ireland's proposed legislation, expected to be in place before the end of the year, will allow abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and up to the 24th week in exceptional circumstances.