"You need to understand that tolerance cuts both ways."
Al-Sa'afin and Fauvel were standing near the corner of Karangahape Rd and Cobden St when they were assaulted without warning, court documents released to the Herald show.
Martin first swung at Fauvel and punched him behind his left ear.
CCTV still showing Joden Martin, right, walking on Karangahape Rd just before the attack. Photo / Supplied
"It was nothing short of a sucker punch. No warning, no opportunity for him to guard against your attack," Judge Ronayne said.
Stumbling to the side, Fauvel then suffered a kick to his shoulder as Martin continued the attack.
Martin then lashed out at Al-Sa'afin, landing two closed fist blows to the left ear and jaw of The AM Show reporter.
During the February 10 assault, Martin yelled "f***" and "h****" at the pair, court documents read.
Fauvel ran on to Karangahape Rd but was followed by Martin, who threw him to the ground, pushed him up against a wall and continued to throw punches.
Luckily, Fauvel managed to break free and fled.
Martin earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of injuring with intent to injure and assault with intent to injure over the altercation.
Martin was a passenger in a vehicle driving in New Lynn when another vehicle refused to let them merge into a lane.
The victim and Martin pulled the fingers at each other before Martin flicked his cigarette at the other vehicle.
When the victim got out to look for any damage, Martin punched him and then dragged him to the ground.
While sitting on the prone victim he continued to punch him about the head, landing about 10 blows, which the judge labelled an aggravating feature of the offending.
Martin later explained he had been upset after attending his father's funeral.