As he asked where their father was, he spotted a man and young girl beyond the breakers.
Matilda Kersjes, 7, had been collecting sea shells in ankle-deep water when a rogue wave dragged her 20m out to sea. Her father, Alex Kersjes, ran fully clothed into the surf and battled through the breakers to reach his daughter.
When Mr Kersjes reached his daughter he found he couldn't hold her above the water and swim through the strong swells. He had been treading water for about 10 minutes when he saw the quad bikes driving along the beach.
Mr Bateman jumped off his quad bike, ripped off his hat, shirt and glasses and dived into the water.
He got hold of Mr Kersjes and told him to get on his back and kick. Mr Bateman, still doesn't know how he managed to drag Mr Kersjes in, who was a good head above him. "He was a big monster of a guy."
As they fought to get ashore, a set of waves picked them up and dumped them in shallow water. The only thing that stopped them being pulled out again was a 5m rope, thrown at them by David's brother, Rex Bateman.
A large wave caused Rex Bateman to fall over, injuring his knee. It also swept David Bateman's wife, Lisa, off her feet. The trio were being dragged back out when Mr Kersjes grabbed the rope, Mrs Bateman clutched Matilda and the three exhausted swimmers clambered on to dry land.
Soon after, Mr Kersjes collapsed and was taken to Hawke's Bay Hospital but was discharged.
Mr Kersjes, Matilda and Mr Bateman all realised they were lucky to make it back to shore.
Once the adrenaline of the rescue wore off, it hit Mr Bateman just how close he had come to losing his life. He would think twice about doing it again, if he did not have the right safety equipment.
He now keeps an inflatable life jacket and rope on his quad bike.
"It would just take me another 10 seconds to get my life jacket on and go out there."
He was surprised to learn that he had been nominated for an award.
People can nominate those they believe are deserving until June 14.
The regional award ceremonies will take place in August, followed by the national awards ceremony in September.
The Pride of New Zealand Awards are proudly brought to you by The New Zealand Herald, The Hits and TSB Bank.
Nominations for the 2015 awards have now closed.
To see more stories of our wonderful nominees click here.
For more information on the awards go to the official website.