When teenage boys ply under-age girls with alcohol to take advantage of them and post demeaning images online of the girls something is seriously wrong.
The incidents we report today put paid to any hope the "roastbusters" case of a few years ago was an isolated offence and that a lesson was learned.
We may be surprised by these recurring cases of sexual abuse by the young - until we consider what is different about growing up today. This generation is growing up with the internet and along with the many wonders of the web comes access to a range of pornographic depravity that boys of previous generations seldom, if ever, saw.
There is a reason pornography always carried an age restriction when that was still possible. Until people are old enough to have real sexual experiences there is a high risk they will mistake fantasy for reality.
Young people today are exposed to contrived images and filmed activity that bear little relation to the reality of loving, respectful sex and most of these kids have no way of knowing that.