A week has never seemed such a long time in politics.
Last Sunday, the Government was at 50 per cent support in the polls and sailing towards a fourth term. The Labour Party was dredging some comfort from retaining the Mt Roskill seat at a byelection and Winston Peters? Well, if Winston can be believed, he was expecting something like the bombshell John Key dropped just after noon on Monday.
Winston cannot be believed, of course. Not even his supporters take him that seriously. They dote on him despite - or perhaps even because of - the outrageous claims he makes. Does that remind you of someone else?
If there is a reckless spirit afoot in the voting world this year, and it continues in 2017, New Zealand might not be immune to it. All bets are off for the election next year anyway with Key's departure.
His personal popularity was a large part of National's appeal. The next polls are almost certain to find the gap narrowed between National and Labour-Greens, giving Peters the pivotal role he craves.