The homepage of has had a refresh.
You might notice some changes.
For the last six months we have been working on ways to improve the homepage to make the experience better for users. Most of the changes we made were not noticeable.
But overnight we rolled out changes that you should see.
The first is a stronger top news block. It is now more flexible depending on the stories of the day. This allows our editors to better showcase all of the best stories – whether in words, pictures or video.
The bottom of the page has been reconfigured too. We have moved some of the sections so the page hangs together all the way to the bottom.
We have also set out to raise the profile of our bloggers, columnists and readers' opinions through Your Views by finding ways to make them more visible within the section display.
Otherwise, all the features of the Herald are still on display. There is still Sideswipe, polls, traffic, weather, news and entertainment.
We are showing the same amount of links to content as on the previous homepage.
The homepage has been designed and built in-house with a project team led by our Product Manager Justin Matthews and with guidance and consulting from Shift.
The refresh is the first of a programme of initiatives that we will be rolling out over the next few months.
Tell us what you think
Jeremy Rees