I am not remotely concerned about my three daughters returning to school on Monday. In fact, I am glad they are returning for their own health and social wellbeing.
I also know my daughters will be safe returning to school. While Covid-19 is a highly contagious virus, there is an overwhelming amount of medical reports that indicate children don't pass it on and rarely present serious symptoms. The death rate due to Covid-19 for any otherwise healthy person under 20 is extremely low.
The counter view: Why I'm not sending my kids to school
Therefore, my daughters are unlikely to be infected with Covid-19 from their peers. If they are infected, they will likely show few, if any, symptoms and are highly unlikely to die from the virus.
There is an illness in children similar to Kawasaki syndrome that has been linked to Covid-19. However, it is rare, the symptoms have also been observed in children who tested negative for Covid-19, and there may be a link to a demographic that is also vitamin D deficient.