For motorists approaching the city from the Northwestern Motorway, the view that unfolds from the Te Atatu interchange sums up Auckland. Yes, there's a motorway, but the wide view is of harbour and volcanic landforms.
It is no accident that the first cone that looms into view is Mt Albert (Owairaka).
Since the mid-1990s, a protected viewshaft running from the Te Atatu interchange to the maunga has limited the height of development. Now, one of the city's biggest landholders, Tram Lease (a division of Tramco), says the viewshaft, A13, should be deleted from the planning rulebook or substantially modified - arguing it is "not regionally significant". "The viewing audience is typically travelling in vehicles at speed, while trying to merge into the frequently heavy motorway traffic," its expert witness, Clinton Bird, told the unitary plan hearings panel.
"The cone is not iconic, retains little volcanic resemblance and appears contiguous with the surrounding residential slopes."
Tram Lease owns a long strip of New North Rd, alongside the railway line, between the Mt Albert shops and Woodward Rd. This land, it says, has "a significant role to play in Auckland's future compactness and intensification".