Jaime Ridge makes being back at work look easy. Photo / Instagram
Jaime Ridge makes being back at work look easy. Photo / Instagram
Even the stars have to go back to work eventually – but they make it look so much better than the rest of us…
Going back to work in January is always a bummer.
Nothing says the summer holiday is over quite like having to spend a sunny day sitting at your desk, listening to Kevin from accounts detail his annual trip to the Gold Coast.
But all good things must come to an end. Even the stars eventually have to go back to work sometime, so as to pay for their smoothie bowls and purebred puppies.
And most of our famous faces were finally back to the old grindstone this week – but it certainly looked a more glamorous situation than the rest of us are used to…
The folks over at TVNZ's Breakfast were clearly very happy to be back together at work this week. (Well, maybe not all of them. https://spy.nzherald.co.nz/spy-news/i-havent-missed-you-at-all-breakfast-hosts-salty-return/)
And to mark the occasion they took a bunch of brand new publicity shots, including this Seinfeld-esque one.
"We're baaaaaaack!" announced weather presenter Matty McLean on Instagram. "And to celebrate, we decided to recreate this classic Seinfeld publicity shot. I'm clearly the Elaine of the group."
Matty McLean posted about Breakfast. Photo / Instagram
Jaime Ridge
What to do when it's your first day back at work and you have to wear something different to the togs and jandals you've been wearing almost exclusively for the past two or three weeks?
Well, if you're stylist and influencer Jaime Ridge, you throw on an outfit from one of the brands you partner with and strike your best pose for the 'gram.
Jaime Ridge is back to work like the rest of us. Photo / Instagram
Georgia Fowler
International model and Project Runway NZ host Georgia Fowler has had an eventful start to her working year.
Earlier this month, Fowler missed out on what she called her "dream job" after her flight out of New York's LaGuardia Airport was cancelled.
Sharing her airport plight via some tearful Instagram videos, Fowler eventually admitted defeat.
"Seven hours later … gone nowhere … lost a dream job … very tired."
But it hasn't been all bad. She popped up in Vogue this week sporting a 1970s Cartier cuff that once belonged to Elizabeth Taylor.
Nice work if you can get it, huh?
Georgia Fowler is back at work 'no biggie'. Photo / Instagram
Brodie Kane
The work year started early for Brodie Kane in 2019.
The Hits broadcaster spent a week as the courtside MC for the men's tournament at the ASB Classic and endured several days of designer threads, daily hair and make-up and just a few cheeky bevvies.
On the penultimate day of the tournament, Kane showed off an outfit that she claimed was hiding all the wedges and fried chicken she'd consumed over the week.
"Next week there will be running and shredding and cleansing and sleeping," she wrote on Instagram.
Brodie Kane did an excellent job MCing the tennis. Photo / Instagram
Alex Tarrant
Shortland Street fans breathed a sigh of relief last week when their favourite local soap returned to their screens.
And one of the stars of the show, Alex Tarrant aka Dr Lincoln Kimiora, celebrated with a selfie from the set.
"New year, new scrubs."
Alex is back on set in his scrubs. Photo / Instagram
KJ Apa
Also back on screens this week is Riverdale star KJ Apa.
After a lads' holiday around the South Island for the New Year, the Kiwi actor shared a photo of his on-set trailer with his 13.3 million Instagram followers.
"I think I spend more time in this trailer than anywhere else on Earth," he lamented.
Sure, he might be hanging out in a trailer that is accessorised with a packet of wipes and some paper towels, but it's still a trailer on the set of a TV show that's an international hit, of which he is one of the main stars.
KJ is back on set in his trailer. Photo / Instagram