Employment Minister Willie Jackson with HDC Youth Employment Connector programme students at an event in 2019. Photo / Warren Buckland
Employment Minister Willie Jackson with HDC Youth Employment Connector programme students at an event in 2019. Photo / Warren Buckland
Three "successful" youth employment programmes in Hawke's Bay are set to receive an additional $2.7 million government investment.
The funding, announced by Employment Minister Willie Jackson on Wednesday, forms part of the Government's He Poutama Rangatahi (HPR) fund.
The Workfit Rangatahi NEET integration programme, run by the Hikoi Koutou Charitable Trust, has already supported more than 80 young people into employment or training and has received an additional $771,750.
Hasting District Council's Youth Employment Connector programme will receive $985,000 to upscale, while the Hikina project, run by LIFT Social Enterprise, will receive $950,000.
The three programmes, originally approved for two years of funding in 2018, have been extended due to their success, according to Jackson.
All three programmes work with rangatahi at risk of long-term unemployment and who face complex issues including gang connections, drug and alcohol issues and mental illness.
"We know our young people can be hardest hit by economic downturns and we're committed to making sure groups of New Zealanders with historically poor outcomes are supported during this time into employment and training," Jackson said.
The employment minister said the investment will help young people get into work programmes like Mana in Mahi, Māori Trades and Training and He Poutama Rangatahi.
"The value of this investment is clear," Jackson added.
Three Hawke's Bay youth employment programmes, including the Hikina project, run by LIFT Social Enterprise, will receive a $2.7m government extension. Photo / File
In the first two years of the operation, the Hikina project supported nearly 112 young people into employment or further education and training, with 91 of those going into employment in agriculture, horticulture, customer service, healthcare and construction.
The programme will use the extended funding to increase staff numbers and connect with other service providers, according to LIFT director Jody Hamilton.
Hamilton, who founded the social enterprise to help at-risk and disadvantaged adolescents find jobs, said they will also set up a special training room designed by rangatahi to enable them to provide a better service.
"Our mission is 100 per cent youth employment or self-employment for the Hawke's Bay region," she said.
Hastings District Council's Youth Employment connector programme will use the funding to employ three additional connectors.
The council's acting group manager community wellbeing and services Dennise Elers said recognition from central government for an effective youth programme was "heartening".