Dumping of non-recyclables and overflowing has previously been an issue at Martin Place, pictured here after Christmas 2018. Photo / Warren Buckland
Dumping of non-recyclables and overflowing has previously been an issue at Martin Place, pictured here after Christmas 2018. Photo / Warren Buckland
Havelock North's much-used, and often abused, Martin Pl recycling centre is unlikely to re-open because the lease the Hastings District Council holds for the land has been terminated.
The centre shut during the March Covid-19 lockdown and council then engaged an independent consultant to undertake a health and safety review of the facility.
The site was set up primarily for people who do not have access to kerbside recycling, but is used by many in Havelock North.
The dumping of non-recyclables at the site has previously been an issue, as has overflows at high-use times of the year, such as Christmas.
While other recycling centres around the district re-opened, Martin Place has remained closed and queries from residents have circulated on the Hastings District Council Facebook page.
The review identified safety improvements and the council has been exploring options to improve public and contractor safety and put in place measures to reduce contamination.
The council said it had intended to re-open the depot sometime in September and had been working towards changes such as fencing, gates, barriers and a defined parking area.
But now it will not re-open at all after the property owner verbally advised council it wants to terminate the lease.
"Currently there is no other acceptable site in the vicinity to relocate to. New sites are being investigated," council group manager asset management Craig Thew said.
"We understand that some members of the community without kerbside recycling services will need to travel a little further for their recycling drop-offs."
The recycling centre has been closed since March. Photo / Warren Buckland
Havelock North and Hastings residents in the kerbside collection zones are advised to use the kerbside recycling service and take excess recycling to the Blackbridge or Henderson Rd depots.
Unlike the Martin Pl recycling centre, Henderson Rd and Blackbridge are not open 24/7 and residents will need to check the opening hours of those sites if they wish to use them.
Residents outside the kerbside collection zones should use the recycling depots at Henderson Rd, Blackbridge, Poukawa, Maraekakaho, Pukehamoamoa, Waimarama or Tutira.
In the upcoming Long Term Plan consultation council is considering asking the community if there is interest in extending the kerbside service area.
Thew said council was contacted by the property owner on August 5 and verbally told that the lease was being terminated and that a letter confirming the end date was being sent to confirm.
"The letter has not yet been received by council, which is looking into what other sites are potentially available.
"The siting of a facility such as this anywhere near a residential area is challenging and thus limits the number of potential sites in and around Havelock North.
"These challenges include finding somewhere that is suitable for high volumes of traffic and parking needs, and one that does not cause disruption due to noise (such as bottles being disposed of). Sites further away from Havelock North will also be considered."
During the Covid-19 lockdown period all recycling stations were closed, only being able to re-open in a staged process from May.
"There have been six official complaints received by council's customer service, and council has responded to other unofficial phone calls and Facebook questions."