Eketahuna's town centre is to have a makeover with work starting in the 2015/16 financial year and groups and organisations in the town are being invited to have their say on how it should be done.
Tararua District Council has budgeted $430,000 in its Long-Term Plan and this financial year has been set aside for planning and consultation.
Assets manager Kathy Dever-Tod spoke to a meeting of the Eketahuna Community Board and encouraged the board to start a wide ranging and open process so townspeople could have their say in developing plans for the upgrade.
Because the main street of Eketahuna is a state highway there was likely to be some issues over moving veranda posts on buildings and an assessment is to be done on wastewater pipes to determine whether they need relining or replacement, with that work being funded separately.
The community board will be attempting to find out from the community not only what shape the town centre upgrade should take but also ways to encourage people to stop, and shop, in Eketahuna.