The Hastings District Council says it has secured funding that will change some city streets to allow more students in the city to walk, cycle or scoot to school safely.
Funding for the Heretaunga Arakura or Hastings Pathways programme, which is designed to make changes to roads to encourage healthier and lower-emission transport options, was confirmed this week.
The programme will enable physical traffic calming near school zones, safe cycling classes to give children confidence on the road, and get students actively involved in identifying safety issues on their journey to school.
It's part of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's Streets for People Programme 2021-24, which is designed to accelerate projects that make streets safer and more people-friendly to achieve emissions reductions targets.
A trial funded by Waka Kotahi's Innovating Streets fund was carried out by the council two years ago at four schools: Irongate School, Hastings Central School, Mayfair School and Te Kura o Kimi Ora.