Hadlow School in Masterton is the first school in the greater Wellington region to open a retro-fitted modern learning environment.
Bishop of Wellington the Right Reverend Justin Duckworth led a blessing amid swirling cherry blossoms and fresh spring winds and opened the $280,000 modern learning environment (MLE) before a gathering of students, teachers, parents and supporters on Friday.
Opening day speakers also included principal Michael Mercer, Trinity Schools' Trust Board (TSTB) chairwoman Tracy Voice and students Grace Hancox and Benny Wakefield, and among the audience were Masterton Mayor Lyn Patterson and Lands Trust Masterton chairman John Bunny.
Mr Mercer said the opening was the fourth in his time at the school after the senior classrooms were retro-fitted over a 10-week period of construction that removed walls and enclosed a verandah fronting the block. Senior pupil classes were relocated to the school hall, library and other spaces in the school during construction.
The revamp had created a pair of learning hubs designed to cater for 110 Year 5 to Year 8 students. A similar retro-fit will be completed next year on the school's junior block of classrooms.