A proposal flood-prone properties in Masterton's Oxford St should be bought by the district council looks unlikely to get past first base.
The suggestion came from Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) and was only briefly touched on at a meeting of Masterton District Council's Environment Task Group where it was seemingly quickly pushed aside.
Minutes from the task group meeting, which is not open to the press or public, but which will be discussed in an open council meeting tomorrow show council chief executive Pim Borren was told of the regional council's suggestion the properties be purchased.
Councillor Pip Hannon said instead of spending $3 million on buying up people's land and houses, the council could invest $500,000 raising the stopbank designed to protect the street from being inundated with floodwater from the Waipoua River.
Oxford St is one of many now identified in the urban area of Masterton as being at risk in a one-in-a-100 year flood.