The Green Party has admitted it was claiming almost double the market rent for a house occupied by two of its MPs and owned by its Superannuation Fund.
The Greens secretly repaid about $6000 to the Parliamentary Service.
Co-leader Metiria Turei admitted the repayment under questioning on Q&A yesterday.
Between February and May this year Green MPs Jeanette Fitzsimons and Catherine Delahunty paid $1000 a week rent for a Wellington property - nearly double the market rate.
The property was owned by the Greens' Superannuation Fund.
During the debate about Finance Minister Bill English's ministerial housing allowance, the Greens criticised other parties for keeping details of expenses secret and called for transparency.
The overpaid rent was sorted out shortly before the Greens made their expenses public.
Ms Turei said the party "made a mistake".
"We acknowledged that mistake, we fixed it and we've refunded the money," she said.
"About $6000 was refunded ... We're quite happy to be open about the process."
Greens 'made a mistake' in claiming rent for MPs
Metiria Turei. Photo / Mark Mitchell
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