Two Green Party MPs could struggle to get back into Parliament in this year's election, according to a leaked list which showed they had plummeted in the party's rankings.
Greens said the list published on website Kiwiblog yesterday was a fake, while the website's founder and right-leaning blogger David Farrar claimed it was an early draft that had been circulated among some members.
A party spokesman said that no draft or official party list for the general election existed yet and the process of ranking MPs did not begin for another two weeks. An official list would still have to be drawn up by members and final rankings would be decided in April.
The list published on Kiwiblog showed a shakeup in the party's rankings in which MP Julie-Anne Genter was a clear winner.
The Auckland-based MP and transport spokeswoman, who entered Parliament in 2011 as Greens' 13th-placed MP, rose to 6th.