Greater Wellington is the latest region to impose bans on garden sprinkler and irrigation systems.
The four city councils - Wellington, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua - agreed to impose the ban at the request of Greater Wellington, who supplies the bulk of water for distribution.
Greater Wellington park, forest and utilities committee chairman Rex Kirton said the ban was triggered by a long period of low water levels and a dry weather forecast for the rest of the week.
Wainuiomata Treatment Plant was expected to be closed by the end of the week.
"Although parts of the region received significant rainfall over the weekend, very little of it fell over the water catchments," Mr Kirton said.
Mr Kirton said residents could still use hand-held hoses but councils may impose a total ban if the situation deteriorates.
"In the meantime, I urge people to take the greatest care when using water and help us avoid the possibility of further water restrictions," he said.