Where: The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
Contact: Phone: Freephone (0508) 650 200, email:
Prerequisites: Existing degree or at least five years' experience in an environment or related field.
Application deadlines: Semester 2, 2008 courses close July 4.
Course Costs: $2670 (each of the five courses cost $534 for New Zealand students).
Starting salary: About $50,000 for graduates.
Sustainability, carbon footprint, food miles - these terms are becoming more common as we assess the impact of our lifestyle on the earth and question our current environmental or sustainable management of natural and physical resources. The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand's Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Management builds up skills and knowledge in the area of environmental policy and management.
Students examine the theory and practice of environment management and devise and evaluate approaches to environmental problems. This includes a compulsory full-year independent research project on an environmental issue of special interest. Past research topics include energy issues, waste management issues and implementation of environmental legislation.
Students then choose four other courses from these: the Resource Management Act and Local Government Act, environmental impact assessment, public sector communications, writing for specific purposes, research methods and interpretation, environmental management systems and strategies, environmental economics and environmental perspectives and the media.
Students study at a distance, usually at home. Each course has three in-course assignments and requires about 10-12 hours of study per week, although this varies depending on students' prior knowledge. Those working full-time often do one course per semester, thus taking 2 1/2 years to complete the diploma.
Graduates enter roles in local and regional governments and consultancies.
Age: 44
Senior carbon specialist
Carbon Group
Completed study 2007
Carbon Group provides a range of services related to greenhouse gas emissions management and clean technology investment. I'm involved in the emissions management side of the business, which involves measuring organisations' greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprints) and providing advice on how activities generating these emissions can be managed more efficiently. Major emitting activities are electricity and transport use so improved efficiency in these areas can make a difference. The emissions measurement is based on an international standard. It involves understanding an organisation's business activities, interviewing staff and collecting data, then calculating the "footprint", analysing the results and making recommendations to the company.
I came to New Zealand 3 1/2 years ago looking for a career change into environment management; something I had always been interested in.
I came from 15 years working in IT and project management for a London banking group.
The normal career path is through science into management. But it felt like stepping backwards to start with a science degree, so I decided to try and develop my environmental knowledge further and then apply my general management skills to that knowledge to fast-track my career change.
I chose to study at the Open Polytechnic so I could work part-time while studying.
I started with a certificate in environment and sustainability, then moved into the graduate diploma which has given a good foundation of different facets of environmental or sustainable management.
I really enjoyed the research paper which I did on biofuels.
It provided the opportunity to study something in depth and reinforced concepts introduced in other courses, particularly about economic factors.
I think it would be possible to get into a job like this without the diploma but it would have been harder to do. I also think the course demonstrated my commitment to this change.
Stephen Stokes,
Director, Carbon Group
Carbon Group has been established by Andrew Stewart Ltd, an environmental and resource management company, to provide climate change-related services to organisations.
Worldwide, the carbon footprint is becoming one of the key environmental performance indicators for companies. It serves as a cost-efficiency driver and demonstrates commitment to improved environmental performance.
European and, to a lesser extent, United States companies are leading the way, but local companies are starting to see the benefits, especially those in export-facing industries, such as the wine and tourist industries.
We were interested in Phil because he understood business and environmental issues through having business experience and qualifications as well as an environmental qualification. He is a great team player who is hungry for information and knowledge, is very up to date and is a fantastic details man.
In this emerging marketplace, environmental management is a new science integrating engineering, accounting, science and economics.
We're not looking for a particular qualification but for innovation, entrepreneurship and a broad basic understanding of science and business.
We need an army of people like Phil to move attitudes along.