The state may fill the gap left by a big shortfall in a tender for community housing, Prime Minister John Key says.
Key told journalists in Wellington tonight that the Government was committed to providing the extra social housing places offered in the current request for proposals for 1000 social housing units in Auckland. Community providers have proposed only between 225 and 239 homes, and this year's Budget documents show that the Government actually expects to contract for only 175 homes in the financial year starting this month.
"In the end, the Government needs to provide social housing," Key said.
"If we can't get them in one way, we'll get them in another. There are a variety of other ways that we can fill that through Housing NZ."
Housing NZ said last week that it would spend $2 billion to build and buy 4800 houses over the next three years, including 3200 in Auckland -- 1300 this financial year, 1500 in the next year and about 2000 in 2018-19.