Let's see what Greater Wellington has got to say.
That's the caution from the Local Government Commission on Wairarapa's application to form a unitary authority.
Yesterday the commission issued a statement saying it was satisfied there was "demonstrable community support" in the Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa districts for local government reorganisation. However, it wanted to defer the next stage until it could consider Greater Wellington's application, which proposes a blanket authority over the region, including Wairarapa.
The commission said the Greater Wellington Regional Council would be "materially affected" in its operations if Wairarapa went alone.
"Eighty-eight GWRC staff are based in Masterton, 21 per cent of council employees," the report says. "The area of land GWRC administers would reduce by 72 per cent, affecting environmental and flood management operations.