THE Wairarapa Times-Age has remained a dedicated co-sponsor of the WairarapaWon awards, which reward excellent customer service, as nominated by customers.
There's plenty to like about such a feel-good competition, but one of the main reasons I like it is because complimenting good retail service is a rare thing. We are, all too often, too eager to criticise and make our feelings plain on bad service.
Sure, it is well and good to inform a business of problems, because it may assist them if there is a matter of concern. But the other extreme should hold true - people should not hold back in their praise when they get good service.
It might sound hackneyed, but I'm a great believer in praise and good turns as energy. Since (I believe) energy is never really destroyed, the effort/energy you put in to influence a course of events, be it giving someone space to turn out of an intersection, or complimenting someone on their service, is simply transferred and waiting to be passed on.
Ultimately, it may even come back to you, which I suppose could be called karma, if you wanted to get all flower-power about it.