The latest Fairtrade retail sales figures indicate New Zealanders strong support for overseas farmers.
A marked increase in sales from $69.3 million in 2013 to $89 million in 2014 - a total of 28 percent - is thanks due to greater availability and purchase of Fairtrade bananas, coffee and chocolate in New Zealand.
Bananas showed particularly strong retail sales growth of over 76 percent last year alone.
Fairtrade Australia New Zealand say this emphasises kiwis are supporting farmers more than ever with their shopping decisions.
"Fairtrade has seen exceptional growth in 2014. This has been driven by good performance in key categories; with coffee and chocolate growing by 16% and 22% respectively; steady growth in new product innovations such as drinks, syrups and frozen desserts; and a big increase in the availability and consumption of Fairtrade bananas," says Fairtrade Australia New Zealand's Chief Executive Officer Molly Harriss Olson.