I understand that Auckland City bylaws permit me to ride my shiny new Vespa in bus lanes. If the bus lane I am in is controlled by one of those bus-only traffic lights with a big "B" on it, can my Vespa and I proceed on the B light too? I assume the answer is yes, otherwise I would be holding up any buses behind me. Barrie Graham, Remuera.
You assume correctly, Barrie. Bikes, motorcycles (including shiny new Vespas) and buses can use bus lanes and can thereby take advantage of any bus lane signals.
Cascade St in St Marys Bay has parking on one side right up to the College Hill intersection. This means the street is one-way for about half its length, in a purportedly two-way street. The result is head-to-heads and cars having to back up. Could the parking be removed? Cath Tizard, Herne Bay.
There is a high demand for parking in this area because of the housing density, and Cascade St is not the only narrow street with this problem. The council tries to balance the demand for parking with access to houses and apartments. It will have a look at Cascade St, though, to see if something can be done.
Are there plans to make Blockhouse Bay Rd, between Rosebank Rd and Great North Rd, a clearway in the morning? Over recent months traffic backs up an awfully long way. It might also help the afternoon peak traffic flow. Barbara Cotterell, Auckland.
The council planners have been out for a look (they're very good like that) but have encountered a problem. They can't put a clearway in without substantial widening of Blockhouse Bay Rd, because at the moment it's too narrow to accommodate two lanes of traffic. The council is aware that there is considerable congestion here, and tries to manage this by monitoring the traffic lights at Great North Rd so that a decent number of vehicles get through on each phase during peak times.
The roadworks and 30km/h restriction on Akoranga Drive seem to be going on for ever. When will the job be finished and why is it taking so long? John Kania, Hillcrest.
Stage One is now finished, and Stage Two should be fairly close to completion. The first part put in transit lanes between College Rd and the motorway, and part two extended these lanes to Northcote Rd. The transit lanes are designed to complement the Northern Busway, due to open next year, and also to give faster travel times for buses and car poolers. The jobs would have gone much quicker if the contractors had been able to close the road completely, but as this is not possible, they must work around the traffic and this slows things down.
* Do you have queries about public transport, roading projects, roadworks or how to get a driver's licence? Contact Phoebe Falconer at Get Moving, Editorial Department, NZ Herald, PO Box 32, Auckland. Fax (09) 373-6421 or email Include name and address.