Mahatma Gandhi was once asked what was the greatest obstacle to the extension of Christianity. He answered: "Christianity."
Christianity faces the prospect of its own death through the death of its inadequately conceived Easter God. Christianity, as practised in New Zealand, is not credible and is dying.
If Christianity faces up to this full reality, it will survive to be a useful religious community. If it fails to shoulder the full weight of its own cross, it will not discover whether its Christian faith is really true.
Something like this is what Jesus, the Messiah of Christianity, went through when he stepped up to be crucified. His own disciples began to shrink from him. His own religion and government executed him. Even his own God forsook him. And if the followers of Jesus think they can rediscover their faith without going through something like the same death as their Messiah they haven't really appreciated what their own "Master and Lord" told them loud and clear.
Jesus told his followers they would not reach the real place of truth and love and grace without "taking up their own cross". Christianity was not slow to turn this inconvenient truth on its head. Contradicting the plain speech of their leader, devotees were going to swing into heaven on somebody else's cross — that of their own Messiah. Jesus' arduous long way around became for Christians their comfortable shortcut. Jesus was more about life than religion.