Two weeks prior to the incident, Mr Roucher got a tattoo at a Wellington parlour Taupou Tatau.
Owner and tattoo artist Andy Tauafiafi, who also worked on the frenchman's tattoo, said the man loved travelling around New Zealand and wanted to get a tattoo to represent his time here.
"He got a Polynesian-influenced tattoo just below the knee to his ankle."
During his seven-hour time at the parlour, Mr Tauafiafi said the Frenchman spoke of how he loved the country.
Taranaki Rescue helicopter at work during the rescue operation. Photo / via Facebook
"He loved the New Zealand way of life and the people.
"He told me back in France, everyone was only focused on working, but coming here he said people were nice and friendly and would stop to laugh and smile," he said.
Mr Tauafiafi described the 1.98m tall man as a "gentle giant".
"I was shocked when I heard the news [of his death]. I also feel like part of the family."
While the man didn't mention he was planning on a trip to Taranaki, he had "mentioned he had a couple of places he had to go" before he returned home to France.
Investigations into yesterday's death are still on-going.
Police were alerted to the incident just after 11am by another climber who witnessed what happened.
Rescuers reached the site about 12.40pm and the Mr Roucher's body was flown off the mountainside yesterday.
His companion was winched into the Taranaki Community Rescue Helicopter and flown off the mountain with minor injuries.
Taranaki police area commander Inspector Keith Borrell said the two men were in climbing gear and were well prepared.