One day looks like any other when this is the view. Photo / Getty Images
One day looks like any other when this is the view. Photo / Getty Images
So we survived Christmas in a pandemic year, which in itself is an amazing feat – though we are now stuck in that awkward abyss between Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
Variously called the Witching Week, the Merrenium, Betwixtmas, Chrimbo Limbo or even "the longest Sunday ever", it is a strange listless period during which we are not exactly sure what to do or how to behave.
The crayfish has been woofed down, the jokes in the Chrissy crackers are no longer funny, switching on the festive lights has a low priority again and the only chocolates left in the box are those with hard centres.
You have seen more of your family and friends than you ever imagined – and needed.
You do not know what day it is nor really care.
And you are feeling a little guilty that you have already tucked away your body weight in leftovers while your pores perspire with the smell of stale port.
On the one hand, you want to fix some of the damage caused by the trio of holiday overindulgences – over-eating, over-drinking and over-resting.
But you know New Year's Eve is just around the corner and you are looking forward to a few glasses of bubbles, so you delay the detox for the next few days.
For those fortunate enough to have a few days off, these snooze-worthy, slob-styled days may seem like the perfect respite from a stressful year.
But before you know it, the urge to do something more than eating mince and pies and watching Christmas episodes of your favourite 90s sitcom will kick in – and there is no shortage of alternative activities to choose from.
Among your stash of pressies there is at least one shopping centre gift voucher. Should you splash out and buy a new swimsuit, which is on sale at a fraction of its original price? Or is your windfall best spent on more fundamental items like groceries?
Then there is the matter of exactly how to consume the remaining 10kg of turkey that is taking up most of your fridge.
You plan a week-long menu of turkey dishes including rissoles, meatloaf, curry and – your favourite – turkey panzanella.
While not for the faint-of-heart, there is also the opportunity to hit the sales to help retailers clear stock that could not be shifted for love nor money.
And let us not forget the opportunity for what was once known as a box set binge – where you consume a massive dose of a favourite series all in the space of a day or so.
But there is another option worth pursuing to break out of post-Christmas overindulgence.
Take a bit of time to reflect on the year that was – one that brought devastating bushfires, destructive floods and a once-in-a-century plague.
Gary Martin. Photo / Supplied
There has been global social and economic disruption, sickness and death, mass cancellations of events, worldwide lockdowns and border closures, and racial tensions.
But amid the difficulties of 2020, some silver linings emerged.
Quarantine led to more family time, musicians took to social media to deliver personal concerts to our computer screens, we rediscovered our love for oft-forgotten favourite hobbies like home cooking and baking, and puzzles and board games made a comeback.
Importantly, there was a flurry of overdue appreciation for our essential workers – doctors, nurses, police and emergency services, teachers, childcare supervisors and supermarket workers, to name just a few.
And a new favourite highlight for many: wearing tracksuit pants and T-shirts became acceptable fashion all day, every day.
So as we head towards the New Year, spend the Betwixtmas period putting the challenges of 2020 to one side and make a list of personal bright spots of the year that was.
It is bound to put you into a positive frame of mind for 2021.
• Professor Gary Martin is a social affairs and workplace expert with the Australian Institute of Management.