A Givealittle page set up described Te Kani as a “remarkable woman, known for her kindness and strength”.
“Tragically, on Wednesday, we lost a beloved member of our community, Midge Te Kani,” the page said.
“The accident that took her life also left two of her tamariki, Jacqueline and Rewi Jr, with serious injuries. Rewi Jr. will need to remain in Auckland for several months to receive the care he needs.”
“During this incredibly difficult time, the Te Kani Nankivell whānau will face many challenges, including frequent travel to Auckland and mounting expenses.
“We’re asking for your support to help ease the financial burden on the whānau so they can focus on healing and supporting each other.”
Gardenia Cinnamon Te Kani, 55, died after a crash at Otoko on September 4.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fenz) also acknowledged Te Kani’s death as a member of the Tairāwhiti Local Advisory Committee.
“Midge’s strong commitment to her community and to championing courageous conversations contributed much to the committee’s work and achievements,” an in memoriam on the Fenz website said.
“She advocated strongly for the kaupapa she was supporting, strove to build strong relationships with volunteer fire brigades, and was instrumental in enabling the Tairāwhiti District to build new relationships and connections.
“Her active engagement in her role, particularly in kaupapa Māori and with our Rautaki Māori, alongside her wide networks made lasting and significant contributions not only to Fire and Emergency, but ultimately back into the community.”
“Midge understood her community and people well and had a talent for turning kōrero into action. The passion she spoke with, and the perspectives she championed will be sorely missed by her fellow committee members, our district staff and the wider community.”
Te Kani’s tangi was held on Monday at Mangatu Marae.