Barry Coates, executive director of Oxfam, gives his view on how to be a good global citizen.
As the boss of Oxfam New Zealand, Barry Coates's remit is to work with disadvantaged peoples in our backyard - the Pacific. This means providing support for people in the rural areas and outer islands to strengthen their agriculture, have access to clean water and toilets, to prevent violence and conflict, and to recover from disasters.
Oxfam's wider goal is worldwide: to campaign for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, tackling hunger and the unjust food system, campaigning against land grabs, food speculation and neglect of small farmers.
Barry is a member of the Boards of the Global Campaign for Climate Action and Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand. He worked overseas for several decades, and played a leading role in international campaigns and events like the Earth Summit in 1992, WTO Ministerials and climate change negotiations from Bali to Cancun. Before returning to New Zealand in September 2003, Barry was director of the World Development Movement (WDM) in the UK. He has degree in economics and a Masters from Yale University, and started his working career in Samoa.