Gable Tostee says he's been "kicked out" of a Facebook discussion group about the Warriena Wright case. He had posted to the group from a profile under his new name, Eric Thomas. Photo / Facebook
Gable Tostee says he's been "kicked out" of a Facebook discussion group about the Warriena Wright case. He had posted to the group from a profile under his new name, Eric Thomas. Photo / Facebook
Gable Tostee, the Australian man acquitted of the murder of Kiwi tourist Warriena Wright, says he's been "kicked out" of a Facebook discussion group about the case.
"Funny how they prefer not to have the topic of their own discussion present," he wrote in a Facebook post.
Tostee voluntarily joined the group to answer members' questions about the case, reported yesterday. The group had more than 5000 members.
The posts were made from a profile under his new name Eric Thomas. Tostee changed his name after he was charged with Wright's murder.
Tostee's Kiwi partner Lizzi Evans was also reportedly blocked from the group.
"I felt there should be more balance and that things hadn't been reported as they should have, to give people both sides of the coin ... What about the abuse and nastiness [Gable] received? It was no better but that seems to be overlooked." Hundreds of Facebook users commented on Tostee's post about being booted from the group. Many commenters defended the decision to block the couple from the group.
One group member wrote: "you two were very welcome and then Lizzi started taking the p*** out of it. Very disrespectful".
Evans then accused discussion group members of inciting violence.
"It's also disrespectful to start such a hate page to begin with," she wrote.
"People weren't getting answers quick enough and became really demanding or simply looking for a reaction which was a p*** take in itself."
Several other former members of the discussion forum said they were booted out for defending Tostee and Evans.
One Tostee supporter wrote: "I have also been kicked out of the group as the girls obviously didn't like the fact that I pleaded your innocence".
"Didn't comment often but when I did it was only positive things on your behalf and now I'm out! So much for a discussion group! Only things those girls agree with can be discussed!!!"
Before he was blocked from the group, Tostee answered questions about the trial, including why he had Wright's mobile phone in his apartment when he left the apartment after she plunged 14-storeys to her death.
"Only reason I can think of is that I took it by mistake as I rushed out of the apartment I didn't even realise I had it until later when I was in the car. It was turned in to police later that day and forensically examined for signs of tampering obviously," he wrote.
Tostee was also grilled on what one discussion participant had perceived as a lack of remorse, and hit back hard.
"Completely false. I assume you never read my open letter from 2014? Or any of my public posts on Facebook? Or the fact that my lawyers prevented me from reaching out?" he wrote.
"You also need to remember that not everything I do or say is in the context of Warriena's death, which let's not forget I was fully acquitted of."
When asked why he failed to issue an apology during his 60 Minutes interview, he responded: "Apologise for what exactly?"
Gable Tostee in his exclusive interview on 60 Minutes screened on Australian television. Photo / 60 Minutes