* Rainfall would increase in the west and decrease in the east, and summer would bring a marked drying everywhere.
* Most lowland areas of New Zealand will become frost-free, climate scientist Dr Jim Salinger says.
* One-in-100-year rainfall events will increase by 32 per cent everywhere - which means increases of 50 to 150mm.
* For non-irrigated pastures, winter pasture will increase, but summer pasture growth will decrease because of lower soil moisture.
* For beef-sheep and dairying, the two models give a 3 per cent and 13 per cent, respectively, decline in beef-sheep production, and +4 per cent and -3 per cent change in dairy production.
* For pine forest, increased carbon dioxide gives CO2 fertilisation - the result is a 30 to 40 per cent increase in productivity, with productivity doubling in eucalypt forests.
Eight degrees of warming by 2200 would bring much more extreme changes:
* Christchurch mean temperature will be 20C, with frequent days piercing into the mid 40s.
* A sea level rise of 2.5m to 3m by 2200 will result in serious flooding and inundation issues for most of New Zealand's cities and towns.
* Glacial snow lines will rise 1200m from 1800m now to 3000m, which means New Zealand will have no mountain glacier cover left.
* The climate of Auckland will become tropical with a mean around 23C - equal that of central to northern Queensland, or Tonga.