A fungus discovered near Lake Kaniere, on the West Coast, has been found to kill white-tail spiders.
Canterbury University PhD student Nic Cummings made the breakthrough after finding a dead spider and hopes to develop a biocontrol agent.
By last year, ACC spider bite claims had quadrupled, with 20,000 people paid $1.7 million for injuries.
Mr Cummings is working with Dr Cor Vink of AgResearch to stabilise the fungus spores so they can be delivered to spiders, possibly using traps.
Vern Newcombe, from Community and Public Health in Greymouth, said they did not keep records on spider bites. But the white-tail spider itself was not poisonous. "It's the bacteria on the fangs. They're not venomous."
White-tails are dark grey and readily recognised by their elongated body and a distinctive white patch on the end of the abdomen.