A costly three-year strategy that demands intense fundraising and community support has been unveiled for Kuranui College.
College principal Geoff Shepherd announced the three-year plan to a packed auditorium at the school's 53rd annual senior academic prizegiving on Wednesday night.
He said the school needed to develop new income streams as the Ministry of Education's operations grant was inadequate. "The board and I have made the decision to undertake fundraising on such a large scale reluctantly - it isn't our core business - but we have no choice if we all want Kuranui College to be an outstanding school," he said.
The proposed strategy would keep the school focused on achievement and success, Mr Shepherd said, and relied on community support for fundraising to a greater degree than ever before. "We all want a college that can and will deliver an excellent education for the young people of the Southern Wairarapa," Mr Shepherd said during his prizegiving speech.
"Excellence is a fine goal and in many areas of the college we see excellence, but, in fact, the board, which has begun the process of developing a strategic vision for the next three years, has gone even further - we want Kuranui to become known as an outstanding secondary school," he said. "Unfortunately, outstanding comes at a cost. First of all it is about outstanding teaching, outstanding curriculum and outstanding personal service, but it is also about outstanding buildings, equipment, resources and opportunities and these all cost money - money the Ministry of Education operations grant unfortunately does not adequately provide for."