Mr Gilbert said restrictions on the movement of fruit and vegetable still remained in force.
A letter would be delivered to all households in the former A Zone to explain the controls that would apply over winter.
Mr Gilbert said it had now been almost two months since any sign of the Queensland fruit fly has been found in Auckland.
"This is good news, but it doesn't mean the job is done. Fruit flies are not active in cooler weather, so while we expect that our controls have been successful, we won't know for sure until spring when any flies still present would become active again."
Residents in Grey Lynn would notice fewer field operations during winter.
"Residents may notice some changes in activity such as fewer backyard visits, although some visits will still need to take place to minimise any risk of fruit flies breeding in the area," Mr Gilbert said.
The baiting programme, where MPI applied insecticide bait to all fruiting trees in the Controlled Area, would cease at the end of May.
However, it may need to restart in spring, depending on trapping results.
Wheelie bins for fruit and vegetable waste disposal will be emptied less frequently, although this would still be at least weekly.
"Our surveillance traps will remain out as there may be some days over winter which are warm enough for fruit flies to fly. The traps will be checked less frequently, but any flies caught in the traps will be found," Mr Gilbert said.
MPI thanked all residents of the controlled area.
"We know it's been inconvenient for many people and the community support is very much appreciated by both the ministry and New Zealand's horticultural industry," Mr Gilbert said.
Residents can check where their home fits into the area on a map on MPI's website.