The challenge for post-earthquake leaders is working out "how do you get the old heart of Christchurch to beat inside its new skin", and to help residents and visitors re-establish an emotional connection to the new city, a leaders forum heard on Monday.
The Christchurch City Leaders Forum, the first in a series of invitation-only discussions, has been designed for key city leaders to address how the recovering city maintains its "social and economic momentum" started by the multi-billion dollar rebuild.
A panel that included business leaders and innovators, along with Minister Supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration Nicky Wagner and Mayor Lianne Dalziel, discussed whether the city needed a vision or theme for its recovery.
The inhabitants of a city require an emotional connection to the place where they live, said Malcolm Johns, chief executive of Christchurch International Airport.
"The leadership challenge here is how do you get the old heart of Christchurch to beat inside its new skin? And until you can do that, people won't emotionally connect to the city," Johns said, prompting applause from the audience.