Just 80 New Zealand companies hold the carboNZero certification. Another 120 more are on the way with the CEMARS label. A round of applause...
Reducing carbon has become the world's crash diet programme to rescue its failing health. The good news is that the transition to a low carbon economy is opening up enormous business opportunities, of which the fittest New Zealand firms are already taking advantage.
The idea seems devastatingly simple: cut the amount of greenhouse gases we pump out and so slow the greenhouse effect that is heating the place up, making weather patterns turn dangerously odd, melting glaciers and acidifying the oceans. ?But it's not that easy. The vast majority of the worldwide industrial economy still relies on methods of energy generation, transport and production that emit large amounts of greenhouse gases.
Which is where programmes like carboNZero come in. Because there are many ways of lowering emissions while improving our economy, and new ways of doing so are being developed all the time. The key to reducing emissions without undermining our way of life is to support these new developments and the companies that engage in them.
For the conscious consumer it means the carboNZero programme does the hard work for us, so we don't have to check out the carbon credentials of every company we want to buy stuff from. And for the companies, it allows them to get the jump on the big polluters when it comes to earning our increasingly green dollars.