Protesters gather at the Wairoa Bridge before marching onto State Highway 2 to call on the Government to make the deadly highway safer.
Protesters marched across the Wairoa Bridge on State Highway 2 outside Tauranga this afternoon.
"What do we want? Fix the road. When do we want it? Now!" was being chanted as people marched across the bridge.
The protesters blocked the highway at the Wairoa Bridge to protest Government inaction and decision-making delays about the transport corridor between Bethlehem and Waihī.
He did not expect this many people to have gathered at the protest today.
"It just shows there are a lot of agitated people."
Hollis hoped today's protest would encourage the government to talk to them.
He said the last week of deaths had been horrific.
"It is a horrific toll."
"We have had enough. It is tragic."
Bay of Plenty MP Todd Muller, left, and National Leader/Tauranga MP Simon Bridges at the protest. Photo / George Novak
A karakia was given to end the protest. Only a few dozen cars were stopped heading towards tauranga as the protestors March across the closed bridge
There was a moment of silence to remember those who have lost their loved ones on the road, with those people encouraged to stand at the front of the march.
One of those was Morgan Obern, who lost his granddad John Obern on the road last year.
He was carrying his grandfather's ashes with him at today's protest.