15 year-old Jarrod Church suffered some brain damage following a heart-attack while playing basketball. He is on the road to a full recovery due to the hard work and dedication of his medical team, brother and his mum Kelly
Jarrod Church is defying the odds.
Just months ago the 15-year-old Papakura schoolboy had a heart attack after playing basketball.
His brain was deprived of oxygen and he had no heartbeat for eight minutes. His brain showed so much damage "do not resuscitate" orders were made.
Now he is stunning doctors with his amazing recovery, and is smiling and walking.
His mother, Kelly Church, said her sports-loving son went from days filled with rugby league and basketball to fighting for his life.
Jarrod recently visited the school to watch a basketball game and see his friends.
"Some of his friends had visited him at Middlemore and that was a real shock so it has been good for them to see how much he has improved."
• Donations can be made at to the Papakura High School bank ASB bank account: 12 3031 0123146 00. In the details field put Jarrod Church donation, and add your name in the reference field.