Carols at Cobblestones, quickly becoming a Greytown tradition, is back again for another year.
The Friends of Cobblestones chairman Graham Croton had lost track of how many years the family event had taken place, but said it is at least a decade.
"It's a family affair, we've had good numbers of people the last few years, it's building up quite nicely."
The December 15 event will see the community come together at the museum for a picnic tea and BBQ on the grounds at 5pm, followed by a performance from the Greytown School kapa haka group, carols with conductor Robert Priday and the Masterton District Brass Band, and performances from Ukulele Jam, Masterton Singers and St Luke's Gathering Band.
Father Christmas - a role ably played by Colin Palmer - will also be making an appearance.