Sophia Crestani was fatally crushed at a party at a Dundas St flat in Dunedin. Video / ODT
Police say "it's too early to speculate" whether charges will be laid after a University of Otago student died at a rowdy flat party.
Two other people were seriously injured following a panicked stampede from the party at Police say "it's too early to speculate" whether charges will be laid after a University of Otago student died at a rowdy flat party.he attempted to leave the overcrowded house, a witness says.
Otago Coastal Commander Inspector Marty Gray said the victim was carried out of the house by other people and resuscitation attempts were made.
"There were 500-600 party goers, very anxious, a lot of uncertainity as you'd imagine."
Officers and other partygoers worked on the woman for a "good five minutes" before St John arrived.
"Police, on arriving...their focus immediately was to determine what was going on and then one thing led to another. It was a very quick succession of events."
Police received the call just before midnight last night requesting assistance breaking up the party.
Gray said Campus Watch had called about general disorder to police. Then, on the way to respond, another call was made to police over the injuries.
"Police were not confronted by any resistance or disorder" from partygoers, Gray said.
"Everyone was in a state of shock and everyone was trying to help out."
There were no arrests at the scene.
"It's not a time to point fingers. We need to rally around the community.
"It's news no parent wants to hear. They live outside of Dunedin and they've been told of their daughter's death this morning.
"Just like a parent myself, just join with us and understand the situation those parents [of the deceased] are going through."
Gray said the family have been offered support by police, University of Otago and Victims Support.
Police said the staircase in the house did not collapse, and they now have to determine what occured, which will include and examination of the scene, gathering information from people at the party and making a number of other enquiries.
"Police are interested to hear from all people who attended the party."
Student fatally 'trampled': Witness
A student who attended the party told the Herald people fell down the flat's stairs and landed on top of the woman, who suffered fatal injuries.
University of Otago vice-chancellor Professor Harlene Hayne said the student community had been badly affected by the death of the woman, who was a student.
"We are deeply saddened by what occurred last night. We are supporting the family of the student who died," she said.
"Our staff are working with them today, and will continue to do so, at this very difficult time."
The university would work with police as they continued to investigate the incident.
'Please don't let me die, I don't want to die'
Other partygoers told of being crushed and trampled while trying to flee the out-of-control student party.
One student told the Herald she was nearly crushed in the stampede to exit the flat and was fearful she would die.
"There was one point where I was swept over and fell down with a couple of other people," he said.
"It was pretty standard [for flats to be full], it's happened before at flat parties but this was certainly worse than I've experienced in the past."
"It was like a school of fish moving around … you didn't really have control over what was happening."
Another partygoer told the Otago Daily Times he saw St John whisk three people away from the scene in an ambulance.
Many of those at the party were panicked during the incident as partygoers tried to leave the house. It "felt like an hour" for him to get out, he said.
Hosts asked for police help to shut down party
Emergency services were called to help shut down the party at "The Manor" just before midnight by its occupants.
Hundreds of people had attended the party, and spilled out on to Dundas St after the incident. A section of the street was later cordoned off by police officers.
University of Otago Campus Watch staff joined firefighters, ambulance staff and police officers at the scene.
A spokeswoman for the Southern District Health Board was not able to provide any information when asked about patients at an incident on Dundas St.
In 2016, 16 people were moderately injured and two others seriously injured when a balcony collapsed at another Dunedin student flat.
Emergency services were called to that property - on Castle St, also in the student quarter - after the incident which occurred during a concert by the band Six60.
Up to 1500 students were at the party. Police discovered the balcony had been overloaded.