New Zealand? Are you listening? Because we have to talk.
You've got a problem. You're an addict, It's not completely your fault, but this property addiction of yours is getting out of hand and someone needs to do something about it before its too late.
Sure, it's not all your fault. I mean, what other option did you have to build a nice nest egg for your retirement? You tried shares but the '87 stock market crash hit you harder than a junkie missing a fix.
And finance companies - well, let's not touch on those. Given the way they went down in the 2000s (like the Warrior's playing anybody) it's perfectly understandable you chose to spend your money on a drug called property.
True, the powers that be made it all so very easy for you too. You were raised in a society where buying property was seen as a sure thing, the capital gains were solid and the taxation on those gains was marginal to non-existent.