While the Government has been busy we have been keeping pace with the issues and throwing our weight to counteract any negative out- comes for farmers from policy changes.
At a local level we advocate before councils on issues such as the RMA, biosecurity and rates.
This is a massive undertaking as it means analysing 68 Local Government plans submitting on most.
It also involves reading over 15,000 pages of policy plans.
No other organisation in New Zealand comes close to carrying out the in-depth analyses on policy changes that Federated Farmers undertakes.
Because council processes vary, having a consistent national approach assists in winning positive outcomes like fair rates.
From an advocacy sense delivering on our purpose requires delivery on our core accountabilities.
Representing a number of different industry groups and being voluntary funded, means we are not constrained by legal requirements as per levy funded bodies.
Federated Farmers' real strength in advocacy lies in the extensive networks we have across government, industry and communities.
Combine this with a reputation for delivering fair and reasonable outcomes for farmers makes for a powerful combination.
As we move forward Federated Farmers will continue to have a strong advocacy role.
Our leadership and collaboration with key stakeholders on issues such as water and infrastructure delivers benefits for all.
Take the reduction in ACC levies, the implementation of farmer friendly agricultural vehicle rules and continuance of regular rural mail delivery.
Our organisation is proactive working with members to ensure the economic viability of farming is not affected by detrimental policies.
As a number of threats to the industry emerge, it is important our advocacy work remains of the highest quality so that our farming members and the entire primary sector continue to farm sustainably and profitability.