Oscar Nathan
Chief Executive, Rotorua Tourism
Winner of the NZ Institute of Management and IBM Young Executive of the Year Award.
Staff: 20
Age: 27
What makes your day at work?
The anticipation of seeing a result. It's really exciting seeing a project being launched after we've been through the creative and development and consultation phases. The other thing is knowing that I'm coming into an awesome work environment.
How did you get where you are today?
Definitely from being at the right place at the right time. I went to school at Hato Petera College and to Waikato University to do a double-degree. I starting working at the Rotorua Arts and Crafts Institute and it was really a case of being in there at the right time. I took over as its acting commercial manager and marketing manager, and then my position came up at Rotorua Tourism. The other thing that has helped me in my career is that I'm passionate about tourism.
What was the most important lesson you learned on your way up?
That you have two ears and one mouth for a reason. In terms of my development, I was acting like a sponge and soaking up information from everyone around me. You need to be cocky just to reassure yourself when you're starting out, but you also need to make an effort to learn from people who have the experience.
How have you dealt with any pitfalls you have come across in your career?
When I was at the Arts and Crafts Institute I was in a temporary position as acting commercial and marketing manager. When those jobs came up I didn't get either of them and that gave me a real wake-up call in terms of my future options. I just had to get on with it and put my best foot forward. The job came up at Rotorua Tourism and, in hindsight, it was one of the best things that could have happened.
What advice would you give to a young person starting out on a business career?
Develop a flexibility and adaptability about yourself because you need to, today. You also need to be confident about what you're doing and keep on asking yourself about where you want to be in five years' time - and not just in your career.
I think it can be quite easy for people to get overly involved in chasing their careers. Put yourself around good people too.
What's the biggest challenge for your organisation in the present economy?
It's making sure the infrastructure's there to keep up with our main competitors and keeping ahead of tourism developments in other regions, like establishing our own transtasman airport.
Rotorua has been on the golden coach route for a long time but travellers are becoming a lot more discerning.
What one thing would you have done differently?
I would have finished varsity a lot earlier than I did. I was there for five years when I probably could have finished in four and done some travel before getting into my career.
What ambitions do you have?
My greatest ambition is to find a balance between my career and family. Work is really important, but things like whanau and quality time with my partner are what I'm focused on. We're getting to the point where we really want to start a family, but we just don't have the time to do so.
How do you relax?
Really just by chilling out with positive people and my partner. The tourism industry is a great industry, but it's quite demanding. Rotorua's great for mountain biking and fishing and I really like reading.
Oscar Nathan spoke with Libby Middlebrook.